Keeping Latchkey Kids Safe while Home Alone


Are you leaving your child at home alone? Learn tips and strategies for ensuring their safety and well-being as latchkey kids while you're away.


As parents, the safety and well-being of our children is always our top priority. Having to work long hours and often multiple jobs to make ends meet, coupled with the skyrocketing cost of reliable childcare, many parents live with the prospect of their young ones coming home from school to an empty house. These are vulnerable hours for our young - the time they spend alone after school lets out to when their tired parents finally make it back home from work. These are what is known as "latchkey kids" and bad actors in our society are on the lookout for them. While this can be a nerve-wracking thought, there are steps we can take to ensure our kids are safe while home alone.


As parents, we have to multitask, which means seizing opportunities to talk about safety, even while doing other things

Creating a Communication Plan for Emergencies

Creating an emergency communication plan is crucial for latchkey kids. Sit down with your child and discuss what to do in case of emergencies, such as fires, natural disasters, medical emergencies, or when a stranger approaches them. Make sure they know where to find important phone numbers and have a list of trusted adults they can call for help.


Predators infest the internet and we have to protect kids from them

Setting Boundaries for Screen Time and Internet Usage

With technology becoming more prevalent in our lives, it's essential to set boundaries for screen time and internet usage for latchkey kids. Talk to your child about appropriate use of devices, what websites and apps are safe, and establish rules for when they can use their devices. Make sure they understand the dangers of sharing personal information online.


When someone comes knocking at the door, our kids need to know what to do

Teaching Kids How to Handle Strangers at the Door

One of the biggest concerns for latchkey kids is handling strangers at the door. Teach your child to never open the door for strangers and to always check with you before answering. Create a code word that only you and your child know, so they can be sure it's safe to open the door for someone.

Empower your child to make the right decisions and communicate with them about safety measures to keep them safe while home alone.


The saying "it takes a village to raise a child" is true, especially today, so bond with trusted adults in your village

Establishing a Network of Trusted Adults

Establishing a network of trusted adults is essential for the safety of latchkey kids. Make sure your child knows who they can turn to for help when you're not around, whether it's a neighbor, family friend, or relative. Encourage them to reach out to these trusted adults if they ever feel unsafe or need assistance.

Leaving our kids home alone can be a daunting thought, but by creating a communication plan, setting boundaries for technology use, teaching them about handling strangers at the door, and having a network of trusted adults, we can help keep them safe. Regularly check in with your child and make sure they feel comfortable and confident while being home alone.